Special Issue:

Application of nanotechnology for the successful Phytochemical based delivery
Nano-delivery systems are a relatively new but quickly emerging field of study in which materials in the nanoscale range are used as diagnostic instruments or to administer therapeutic drugs to precisely targeted areas. Nanotechnology provides various advantages in treating chronic human illnesses via site-specific and target-oriented drug delivery. Nanoparticles may boost phytochemicals' solubility and stability, promote their absorption, shield them from an early breakdown in the body, and lengthen their circulation duration. In addition, these nanoparticles exhibit high differential uptake efficiency in the target cells (or tissue) relative to normal cells (or tissue) by preventing them from prematurely interacting with the biological environment, enhancing their permeation and retention in diseased tissues, and enhancing their cellular uptake, resulting in decreased toxicity. This special issue targets innovative research and review works around nanoparticle-based drug delivery for the phytochemical delivery as a drug, Nutraceutical, dietary supplements and/or food.

In this special issue, we aim to address the following topics:
• Liposomal formulations of Phytochemical Drug Delivery
• Phytonanotechnology: A historical perspective, current challenges, and prospects
• Vesicular Drug Delivery
• Metal Nanoparticles
• Dendrimers and carbon nanoparticles
• Phytonanotechnology: Challenges and future perspectives
• Nanotoxicity
• Phytonanotechnology in biomedical applications
• Phytonanotechnology for dietary supplements
• Improvement of characteristics and bioactivities of phytochemicals by nanotechnology
• Lipid Nanocarriers for Phytochemical Delivery in Foods
• Nanoparticles as phytochemical carriers for cancer treatment

Guest Editor:
Vivek P. Chavda, L. M. College of Pharmacy, India - vivek.chavda@lmcp.ac.in

Manuscript submission information:
Authors must submit their articles by December 30, 2023. When submitting your manuscript, please select the article type “SI: Nanotechnology in Phytochemical based delivery".

All submissions considered acceptable for peer review will be evaluated by a minimum of two independent reviewers. Once your submission is approved, it will be processed and published concurrently as Online First and as part of the online Special Issue. Articles from this Special Issue will be properly identified and branded as such.

Please verify that you have read the Instructions for Authors before beginning to write your article. Kindly submit here.

NRFHH will waive the APC for all the accepted articles. This will be applicable for all the submissions received, which are accepted for publication after peer review..
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